Monday, October 22, 2012

Normalization and its Types

Normalization and its Types

  Normalization is a database design process that allows a user to eliminate update anomalies.
The goal of normalization are:
- To reduce redundancy
- To ensure consistency

Normalization is the process of breaking down our data and store them in different tables consistently.
First Normal Form (1st NF)
In theory, this is the first thing you need to do to break down your data. In this step, we want to achieve the following three goals:
Each row in a table must be uniquely identifiable.
Each column must only contain one piece of information.
No repeating columns - no two columns should contain the same data.

2nd normal form:
Remove partial dependencies on the composite primary key.

Then build separate tables for each set of removed data.

Then build relationships between these tables.

3rd normal form:Third Normal Form requires that if any column that is not DIRECTLY dependent on primary key (either single column primary key or composite primary key), it should be removed and placed into a different table.

4th Normal Form= Isolate independent multiple relationships ( no table may contain two or more 1:n or n:m relationship that are not directly related.

5th Normal  Form= Isolate semantically related multiple relationships ( there may be practical constraints on information that justify separating logically related many to many relationships)

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