head newfile
head -5 newfile
head -1 newfile | wc -c
vi 'ls -t | head -1'
head -c 512 newfile
head -c 1b newfile
head -c 2m newfile
Display top content of file
Display top 10 lines of file
when used without argument
Display top 5 lines of
file<newfile> when used without argument
To count the number of character
present in first line.
To open the last modified file
for editing.
To pick special no of character
from file.
Print first 512 byte character
Print first 2 blocks (1 MB each)
tail -5
tail +10
tail -f 6_load.log
Display end of file
Display last 5 lines of file.
start dispplaying 10 line onward
till the end.
Print the gworth of file
Prints the Process id of current
ps -f
ps -f -u a_cmdb
ps -a
ps -e
Prints the Processes associated
with current user.
Prints the Processes associated
with current user with their hierarchy.f stands for full.
Prints all the processes
associated with a_cmdb user.
Prints all the users processes.
Prints system process.
prints all the ksh process
running in the system by first searching for all the process.
29.Background job
ps -f
ps -f -u a_cmdb
ps -a
ps -e
Running job in background
Run the search job in background
by printing its process id.Shell become the parent of all background
This command print all the jobs
runnung in background with their sequence no of exceution.
Running fg will bring most
recently started background process <LAST IN FIRST OUT>
First job will come into
nohup ps -eaf | grep 'ksh' &
Shell is parent of all
background jobs and it dies when user logs out and ultimately all the child
process also dies.To avoid dying of shell even when the user logs out run
the background process using nohup command.
System process init having PID
as 1 is parent of all SHELL processes and when the user login this PID
become the PPID of SHELL prrocess. Now after running the process in nohup
mode kernel has reassigned the PPID of ps process with PID of system
process which will not die even after SHELL dies through logging out.
kill 520
kill 640
kill 1
kill $!
kill 0
To kill the command.
Kill the process with 520
process id.
Kill the parent process id which
inturn kill all the child process.
Killing system process init is
not possible. A Process having process id as 1 is parent of all SHELL
No need to remember Process id
of last background procees its in $!
Kill all process in the system
except login shell process.
$$ stores the PID of current
login shell
nice who | wc - l &
nice -n 10 who | wc -l &
Running the command with low
Nice value range from 1 to 39,
higher the nice value lower the priority.default nice value is 20.
nice value becomes 30.
To Run the job at specied time
of the day.
Indicate the load.ksh will
execute today by 2:10
batch command executes the
process whenever the CPU is free.
cron executes process at regular
intervals it keeps checking the control file at /user/spool/cron/crontabs
for jobs.
Produces list of all logged
users when run without any argument. The 2nd and last field of output is
taken fron passwd file from /etc directory.
Prints details about a_cmdb
set the posional parameter.
This will set $1, $2, $3 , $*
and $# posional parameter
When this statement is used at
start of ksh script it echoes each statement at the terminal
shift command transfer the
contents of positional parameter to next lower number.
shift one position.
shift 2 places
chown jaspreet testfile
chown -R jaspreet testfile
To change the owner of file can
only be done by owner or sys admin.
change the owner from gagan to
jaspreet for testfile. Now gagan cannot change the ownership of test file
what he can do is just create the similar copy of file and then he can
become the owner of file.
Recursively changes the owner
all files under current directory.
chgrp GTI test file
chgrp -R GTI test file
To change the group of file can
only be done by owner or sys admin.
group changed to GTI from IB as
user is still the same and he can again change the group of file to IB.
Recursively changes group all
files under current directory.
touch 03161430 test file
touch -m 04161430 test file
touch -a 05161430 test file
Changing the time stamps of file
touch without any argument will
change both modified time and access time.
Changes only modification time.
Changes only access time.
42.Linking in
ln 6_load.ksh 7_load.ksh
rm 6_load.ksh
Linking two file, doing this
both the file will have same inode number and changes in one will reflect
in another also.
ls -li 6_load.ksh 7_load.ksh
will give us same inode number.
Drop the link between two files.
Prints the amount of free space
available on the disc.
Prints the free and total space
under oracle file system.
Prints the disk usage of
specific directory tree.
By default du prints disk usage
for each sub directory.
Prints summary of whole
directory tree.
Prints disk usage for every user
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